Friday, June 02, 2006

Digital Storytelling Resources

In preparing to lead a workshop on digital storytelling in the classroom in August, I have come across several great resources that I wanted to share:

Tom Banaszewski has an excellent blog called Teach Story with a lot of great information and links, including his 121 page thesis written for his Master of Science in Information Design and Technology degree from the Georgia Institute of Technology.

While reading Tom's thesis I came across the name Jason Ohler. I immediately Googled Jason and found many more outstanding resources on his website Jason will be publishing a new book entitled Digital Stories in the Classroom: A Telling Experience this fall, but you can download his 96 page book Telling Your Story from his website!

David Jakes has a very comprehensive list of resources, handouts, and screencasts on his website and his blog Strength of Weak Ties. As a matter of fact, thanks to David I found my next resource...

...The Adobe Digital Kids Club: Digital Storytelling with great articles written by Bernajean Porter, author of DigiTales: The Art of Telling Digital Stories who has her own website at:

There are others, but I consider these the best of the best.

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