Tuesday, September 04, 2007

I'm getting very, very angry!

Please read Andy Carvin's recent blog post in which he responds to a Wired.com article by Mathew Honan. Also read Wes Fryer's response. I'll wait...

Now, are you as mad as I am??? Then please send an electronic letter to the editor of Wired here: http://www.wired.com/services/feedback/letterstoeditor

In my own letter, I pointed out the irony that Mr. Honan is being a cyberbully as he makes fun of the cyberbullying website (and the other 5 social networking sites for that matter). He will no doubt defend himself by saying he was "just kidding" as so many other cyberbullies have.

Sigh... Has cyberbullying become so pervasive, and "normal" that now even mainstream media has joined in the "fun"???? Is it any wonder that schools and teachers don't want to waste their time to have to deal with this crap and are just not allowing students to access the Internet?

Now more than ever, we need to take the time to educate our students on how serious this problem is. We can't ignore it, or block it and hope it will go away.

Read just one tragic story on http://www.ryanpatrickhalligan.org/ . Here's a very brief excerpt:

"I believe bullying through technology has the effect of accelerating and amplifying the hurt to levels that will probably result in a rise in teen suicide rates."

Now go write that letter to the editor. Maybe Wired will do a story on cyberbullying if enough of us respond.

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