Friday, August 21, 2009

Organize your Bloglines feeds

As you accumulate more and more RSS feeds in your Bloglines account, you may wish to organize them by subject or topic. Since I am following over 100 teachers' blogs for an online Web 2.0 class that I facilitate, I created folders for each class. Here's a 1 minute video that shows you how:

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Create, upload & embed a screencast with Jing

Using images in PowerPoint-- the good, the bad, and the ugly!

Garr Reynolds is one of the greatest presentation gurus in the entire world! I subscribe to his Presentation Zen blog, and today he came out with a great post that is both simple and brilliant.

I have seen (and even done) most of these 11 mistakes that people make when using photos or clip art in a PowerPoint presentation.

This is a great lesson for all of us:

My helpful tip: when resizing an image in PowerPoint, grab a corner "handle." That way you are simultaneously changing both the horizontal and vertical size of the image, and you will keep it in the proper ratio and not distort the image as Garr demonstrates.