Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Amazing stop animation video

Many students have created Claymation-type stop-animation videos. This one a colleague sent me is absolutely stunning! ENJOY!

Toolbelt Theory

Ira Socol is a very gifted blogger. Recently he presented at the MITS conference, and he shared his presentations on Slideshare. I've embedded one of his presentations, Toolbelt Theory, below.

I encourage you to read his blog, SpeEdChange. If you use Twitter follow @irasocol.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Follow the Tour de France in Google Earth

You will probably need to download and install the Google Earth browser plug-in to view this.

To view a 3D simulation of the terrain-- press and hold your mouse wheel in while dragging your mouse.

Great cartoons drawn on the back of a business card

Google Earth Placemarks

I've been working on a few short tutorials related to embedding content in Google Earth (GE) placemarks. (I have these posted on my wiki at: http://jdornberghandouts.wikispaces.com/Google+Earth+Lit+Trips I hope you'll take a look)

I've been very impressed with the variety of content I've been able to embed in the GE placemark itself. In addition to photos and YouTube videos, I've also been able to embed:
Drop.io audio
flickr photostream
Google forms and presentations

For those of you in the Summer 23 Things class, embedding content in Google Earth is just like a "widget." You copy some HTML code from one site, and paste it someplace else, like your blog or wiki, or, in this case, Google Earth.

I'm sure that as I remember other Web 2.0 sites, I'll be trying to embed that content as well.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


East side of El Castillo at Chichen ItzaImage via Wikipedia

I'm experimenting with a new service called Zemanta that is supposed to automatically find links, articles, and photos as you type a blog post, or an email. Let's see if it works.

Chichen Itza is one of my favorite places to visit. The pyramid there, El Castillo, was recently selected as one of the 7 new wonders of the world.

Hey, whaddya know, it really worked! As I typed I clicked on an Update button on a Zemanta toolbar that is conveniently located on the right side of my Blogger window, and within a few seconds, several photos of Chichen Itza magically appeared! I dragged one of the photos, and Zemanta automatically placed it inside my blog post with an attribution link.

Here's another photo from Chichen Itza that I like:

El Caracol at Chichen ItzaImage via Wikipedia

Obviously I have a lot more to learn about Zemanta, but so far it was very easy to use.
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