Friday, January 27, 2006


this is an audio post - click to play

This is a very brief recording I made on my cell phone to demonstrate the new FREE Audioblogger service now available at

After setting up your account, you'll get an email that contains the phone number you'll call to record an audio post from your cell phone. You'll be prompted to enter the cell phone number you used to set up your account, and your PIN.

After that, you're recording, much like you would leave a voicemail. You can review or re-record your post, and create multiple audio posts in the same phone call.

The audio post was added to my Blogger blog IMMEDIATELY! By the time I hung up the phone and typed in my URL, the post was already there! Then you can go in to add text, links, etc. just like any other blog post.

WAY COOL! Check it out!